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Claim Your Doctify Profile

Doctify is the global professional healthcare platform, powered by patient reviews and professional endorsements.

Join the 30,000 healthcare providers who've already claimed their Doctify profile.

Claimed profiles receive 2.5x more patient enquiries than unclaimed ones.

Claim your profile now by submitting the form.

A member of the team will be in touch with your access details.

Join the 30,000 healthcare providers who've already claimed their Doctify profile


Why join Doctify?

The key to a successful practice in a digital world

Grow your practice

90% of patients search for reviews online before choosing a provider. Attract and retain more patients by building trust on patient referral channels.

Reach target patients

4x more Doctify enquiries with 50+ reviews. Stand out from the crowd and attract your desired patients by showcasing treatment specific reviews from previous patients.

Strengthen your reputation

53 is the average number of reviews providers have after 1 year on Doctify. Bring your reputation online and ensure you are building your digital word of mouth.

Enhance patient experience

50% of patients will tell people about their experience. Understand and track the gaps between the patients’ experience versus their expectation.